
Deciding to breed your volucre is a huge decision! Only the best volucre get to breed, and breeding is strictly monitored by the Hatchery Masters to ensure quality and performance. 

Breeding Inspection

The first step to breeding your volucre is making sure they are up to the species' strict standards. In order to preserve the species for generations to come, the Hatchery Masters control which volucre are allowed to pass their genes on to future chicks. In the wild, volucre must meet the standards set by their flock in order to acquire a prospective mate.

To ensure quality in the breed, your volucre must be at least confirmed manned rank and must complete the below prompt in order to pass inspection:

Both tame and wild volucre must meet rigorous standards in order to pass on their genes. Depict your volucre's best features at work. Do they have a beautifully built conformation? Are they an extremely successful hunter? Do they have flourishing movements in flight, or do they use their wits in a creative way to solve problems?

Prompt Requirements:

If you are ready to submit an inspection prompt, please fill out the form below and comment here.

Breeding Approvals

In order to breed two volucre, you must first have breeding approval. Approval is automatically given if you are using your own volucre, but if you wish to find new blood for your flock, you will need to use volucre owned by other sources: either other players or the group starters.

Breeding Approval Rules:

If you wish to write a breeding approval, please fill out the form below and comment here.

Breeding Requests

Once you have acquired the proper permissions and/or inspection prompts, you can now breed your volucre!

Breeding Request Rules:

If you wish to write a breeding request, please fill out the form below and comment here.

Pass Rates

The statistically inclined can view our passrates and other bonuses below.
