People and Culture

Anatomy and Physiology

The people who inhabit the world, called the volucer, are just as unique as the strange birds themselves, seeming to adapt through generations of working with the birds in Volucris’ strange, high altitude. They’re smaller in stature, average heights ranging from 4’6” (137cm) to around 5’4" (161cm).

Externally, the volucer look almost identical to humans found on Earth, however internally they are quite different with adaptations to make flight possible. The larger bones in their bodies are hollow, acting as an extension of the respiratory system like a bird’s. They have a web-like lattice of boney struts--cancellous bone--that aid in strengthening them in the absence of marrow. Due to this structure, volucer on average tend to weigh about half of what a human of comparable size would.

Their circulatory system is a little different as well. Their blood has a higher hemoglobin count, aiding in carrying oxygen, and a faster heartrate and larger hearts. They have a smaller liver and only one kidney, making it difficult for them to filter toxins out of their body.

Their respiratory system is closer to a bird's than a human's. Their bones not only act as another set of lungs, but they have two air sacs, one in place of a kidney and one in place of the spleen, with larger lungs to boot. This, unfortunately, means that their air quality must be better to survive. Smoke and other fumes that a normal human might be able to survive might prove fatal to a volucer.

They also, oddly enough, cannot taste hot/spicy flavors. The reason for this is unknown.


i hate writing this stuff just give me the birds

Political Structures



Magic in itself is deeply ingrained in the societies of Volucris, often used in conjunction with technology on all continents. About half of the population has magical affinities, and there is evidence to support that magical parents and lineage creates a higher chance for magical children, though there have been some cases of random magical occurrence. Magical abilities are sectioned off in like categories, and there has been no record of any person having multiple abilities.

Elemental Manipulators: Often shortened to "Manipulators," these people control forces of nature. A majority of magic users fall into this category, and while one cannot control more than one element, multiple Manipulators can work together to create unique combinations.

Multiple Manipulators are required to control aspects like electricity, metal, ice, mud, and weather.

Life Force: This section of magic users are much rarer than the previous, with only about 10% of magic users having abilities in this category.

Mind: Often dismissed as fairytales, people in this category are few and far between. The extent of this category's abilities have not been catalogued well enough to place into groups, though there are stories of people being able to sense other magic users, using telepathy and telekinesis, and seeing visions of the past, present, and future.